Workshop - Nature-inclusive housing for your horse

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Knowledge and inspiration to keep your horse healthy and vital with your pasture, Equi Habitat, Equicentre, Paddock Paradise or nature-inclusive housing.

I am there!

Do you have your own horse, care and pasture under your own management and would you like more nature-inclusive housing? Super awesome!! But where do you start?

From design and material choices, from planting plan to enrichment elements, during this workshop we will take you on an adventure. Afterwards you will go home with the basis for your design, planting plan and enrichment elements and so much inspiration from all the practical examples that your hands will itch.

Because during the tour of the Adventure Garden and the Equihabitat you will see a lot in practice and we will discuss our design and material choices. Not only what was successful, but also which costly choices did not work to prevent you from experiencing the same disappointments. With this workshop you will kick-start the development of your nature-inclusive horse habitat!

  • Discuss benefits and risks

    Because every advantage has its disadvantage. Or not?

  • Make a plan of action

    How do you really approach it properly, so that it remains feasible, affordable and scalable?

  • We make a design

    You will receive numerous puzzle pieces to put together your own design.

  • We advise you about materials and plants

    During the tour of our Adventure Garden and Equi Habitat, we show you what works and what doesn't in certain situations, so that you can make smarter choices.

  • Choosing enrichment elements

    We show you which enrichment elements you can use, for example, and how this actually contributes to the health and well-being of your horse.

  • Take a lunch walk

    Healthy people feel better about themselves and achieve more in all kinds of areas. And we want you to get the most out of this workshop. So we turn the tour into a lunch walk.

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Workshop - Your nature-inclusive housing

Workshop - Your nature-inclusive housing

Regular price €35,00 EUR
Regular price €130,00 EUR Sale price €35,00 EUR
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Tax included.
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